

Okay ladies. I have a gyno appointment on Monday morning. I am bringing a full two pages of symptoms, medications I’ve been on for pain, my family history of uterine and ovarian issues, including my mom’s history of endo. I do not want to leave without an agreement to get me an ultrasound or something. I’m sick of doctors telling me I just have bad periods and that it’s normal. Because no - passing clots the size of my fist, and being in so much pain all the time that I would rather die? That is not normal. Please give me any advice or questions or comments to say to the doctor. I’m not a pushover and I plan on getting my way in this but I’m also scared that he won’t take the time to truly listen to me. What type of things do I prepare for? Any advice you have, please send it (and prayers, thoughts, or good vibes - whichever you prefer! 😂)