New to the community

Hi I am very new with this app, however it is very informative and I love that I can communicate with other moms. I have 2 daughters from my previous relationship both born on the 15th of June five years apart I know super crazy . I was not at all ready to start a family with my current relationship however, here we are are almost 4 years into our relationship and now will be expecting our first baby together. I have all type of emotions due to the life changes this baby will cause in our lives and scared because everything seem to never work out as plan so here I am third pregnancy unplanned sort of excited but feel like I truly can't be and abortions are defientely out of the question. Need some positive feedback anyone has different fathers with their kids and was it something easy to transition . 😃😕😟😟😔😔😢😢😬😬😶😶😆😆😆 mixed emotions but no one to talk to honestly