Confession also need advice

This is really long so I'm going to try to be short with as much deatail as possible. And use fake names. I've been with my boyfriend max for close to 4 years. I hate his family! I know it's horrible to say but after all his family has done to me I just cannot take it anymore. Let me explain.

1. When first started dating his sister Jenn started a fight with me I can't really recall what we were fighting about specifically but however his mom Wendy is a drunk and got really mad at me for apperently telling her ex husband things about her however it really wasn't me it was actually Jen ... So then Wendy actually beat me up. She was on top of me holding me down by my hair while his Jenn was hitting me in the face. After my Max got me out of the house his brother Jack chased me across the front yard trying to beat me with a baseball bat.

2. Jenn, Wendy and Jack all expect Max to support them and pay their ways through life. They constantly call and ask for money and when they don't get money out of him they try to blame it on me and turn him against me. They also have always tried to fight with me since they we got together because it financially takes away from them.

3. On our year anniversary Max bought me an apple watch and Jenn flipped out.

4. Last summer Jenn and Wendy sent me text from a private number app and would call from blocked numbers all hours of the day and night to tell me Max was cheating on me which he was NOT. Jenn actually went as far as mailing me underwear in the mail to pretend they were from a women he was with. Along with the thousands of text messages I got from Jenn saying I was a whore and telling me that Max was cheating on me.

5. After all the packages, texts and phone calls from Jenn and Wendy we no longer had contact with them . We actually blocked their number from him phone and I changed my phone number. In the time period of not talking to Jenn and Wendy , Max and Jacks best friend died and while we wanted to attend the funeral we couldn't because we got another message saying that as soon as I showed up they were all gonna jump on me and beat me up. So we couldn't even go pay our respects to Max's dead friend . To me that was the most unforgivable.

6. Wendy was diagnosed with heart failure and max wanted to reach out and contact her. So I allowed it because thats what would make him happy . I didn't want his mom to die and not even get to say goodbye.

7. Since we been back associating with Wendy, Jenn and Jack. I've never gotten an apology for anything. Never have they even aknowledged that the harassment was the reason we stopped talking to them instead they pretend that I've turned max against them .

Now here we are in present time Jack is a drug addict and we have tried our best to stay in contact with him and help him emotionally but he never appreciates all we have done for him mentally we cannot afford to support him finalcally but Jack continues to ask for money and constantly cusses us out when we will not enable his habits. He threatened to burn down our house when we wouldn't bail Wendy out of jail btw she was arrested for credit card fraud because she stole Jenns identity. He constantly threats to destroy our house or come kill us if we don't do something he wants. Wendy booked a trip to the mountains for Jenn and Max's birthday and she expected us to go all because max told her he planned on taking me on a trip for his birthday. Because of Co- vid we weren't able to take a trip for my birthday. Wendy and Jenn constantly try to sabotage our whole life and it's almost like max and I cannot even have a life because of them . I love my boyfriend but I cannot take this anymore I'm ready to grow and get away from this situation and I can't because he constantly chooses them. I don't know what to do anymore. I've gotten to the point im so depressed . I don't even really feel the same as I did for max I used to think we would always make it through everything together but now I just don't see us lasting much longer I plan on moving out but the other part of me wants to stay because I love him minus all the shit with his family . But I'm ready to get out of this fucked up life I'm living . If anyone actually has read this far please tell me what I should do because it doesn't seem like he's actually going to choose a life with me and have nothing to do with them and I can't expect that anymore I really shouldn't have to but I cannot take it . If you were in my situation would you stay and deal with it or would you leave I appreciate all feed back I just need help because I'm at my lowest point mentally and I need all the advice I can get because I just don't know how I can just leave behind 4 years because beside the shit with his family we are perfect together ... Please tell me what to do ?