Let down questions

Hannah • Step mama 💙, baby #1: 3/26/20 Elias Scott Morgan💙, dog lover and wife to an amazing husband

I am not sure what’s going on with my breasts. I feel like they are broken or something. I EP but I barely pump half a oz on both breasts after pumping for 30 mins with my spectra. I’m having to supplement with formula regularly until I feel like I can build up enough of a supply to feed my baby, who is a month old. I feel so guilty doing that as I absolutely love nursing and I really don’t even mind pumping honestly, it’s just remembering to do it on a schedule. I don’t feel like I have an effective let down. When I pump I’ll get flow for about five minutes in the let down mode and then I’ll try switching to the expression mode and it’s like nothing comes out. I honestly spend most my time pumping in let down because it seems like I get more in that mode than I do in expression. I also notice when I can get baby to latch most of the time he nurses he does this quick suck and only really has 2 or 3 deep gulps per every five minutes of the quick sucking motion he does. Could my let down reflex be ineffective? My doctor said I had to stop BF and supplement with formula because my baby went from being in the 28% to the 3% in like a week. I’m so upset. Should I speak to my doctor about what’s going on with my breasts? He really wants me to BF and so do I but I don’t ever feel empty and I don’t feel like I’m seeing anything to indicate I even have a properly working let down. Please help. I could use any advice! Thanks.