My son called the police


My husband just got a new phone for work. He couldn't set the lock on the phone because our son swiped while he was in the bathroom. He was still learning how to use it & was in the process of doing that first!

Apparently you can't 911 off speed dial. We think he was trying to call his Uncle (he's the person he likes to talk to on the phone to video chat)? He misses him greatly & can't see him due to the stay home order.

On the plus side! The cops were really understanding because my son really can't speak other than yes & no. So they just a welfare check using GPS from the phone. We had 0 clue.

Have any of your 2.5 years olds done this yet? I'm super embarrassed that this had happened. He's too young to start learning this stuff. Due to his limited understanding. So we keep our phone out of reach to prevent this. Until my husband messed up.