TTC #2 without period

Jessica • Boy mom 🚀💙 Due with baby girl 4/14💜

Update #3 It has been 12 days since that positive OPK. I also got a +OPK this morning?? So weird. I took a HCG test this morning with my second pee and I swear it is a vvvvfl. Will retest tomorrow. Super confused.

Update #2 My son will be 19m in 2 days. I weaned him completely at 18 m and within 4 weeks of no nursing I got a positive OPK!!! I started taking premama as I weaned to help regulate things just in case it would help me ovulate. My LH surge was super short as I caught a positive on a Friday evening, caught a strong positive Saturday morning and all negatives by Saturday night. It's not necessary to keep testing after a positive though. I learned that I'm going to test twice a day after a few weeks go by. I'm trying to track BBT but it is difficult with a toddler who doesn't let me get a solid 5 hours of sleep in the mornings. Oh and still NO cycle but I'm feeling more confident since I did get a +opk. Let's hope that continues!!


This app was helpful in conceiving my son -- I am having a hard time TTC #2 bc I STILL have no period. My son is 16 months and nursing. I am trying to reduce nursing sessions but he is seriously SOOO obsessed with it. He still nurses to sleep and a couple times a night. I already converted his crib to a full size since he has always bedshared with me. He is sleeping SO much better but obviously his need to nurse to sleep again is messing with my return of period. I've been tracking for days..... Does the LH always show a faint line while BF? Do the lines that have darker edges seem like positives? Should I keep testing in hopes to be the 2% that actually get pregnant without a PP period?