How do you make your baby fall asleep


Hi guys,

So i have a 10 months old baby girl and she loves when i swing her in her car seat until she falls asleep. When she was a newborn I would just put her down and thats was it, as she was getting older it was harder for her to fall asleep that way and swinging her in the car seat worked magic on her. The problem is that shes getting heavy and my back is killing me after swinging her. She hates her regular swing- i guess she can tell its not a car seat. Any ideas how i can transition her into falling asleep on her own?

She gets a bottle before bed and i always give it to her on my bed. Sometimes she falls asleep while eating and then i just transfer her into her crib but majority of the time she ll drink the milk and then pulls herself up. She hates being rocked to sleep as well, So any type of hugging, rocking swinging in my arms its a no also🤷‍♀️💆🏼‍♀️I tried letting her cry but she screams each time and at the end i just swing her cause i feel bad making her cry it out.