Covid-19 Baby shower

zuly • Married with a stepdaughter, a daughter, a baby in heaven, rainbow baby, boy with another one on the way!

I want to spread the word on a gro _ up I created, its for moms who are expecting and going through some really tough challenges at a time they should be enjoying the miracle and joys of pregnancy!

My gro_ up is a gro _up for moms who are expecting but due to covid-19 they have no longer been able to have their baby showers, they and/or their husband have lost their jobs, stress has been added to an already difficult pregnancy. My hopes for this gro _up is for women to share a bit about themselves and share the links to their registries so that random people or people they know can also join the group to offer these ladies support by purchasing an item off their registries.

Purchasing is not required however, a simple comment of support goes a long way. Sometimes all of us need to hear words of support so we don't feel overwhelmed or alone.

Thank you so much for reading my post and if you cant help its fine just share my post on your page so that others who need it or want to help can join.

The gro _up is on Face _ book only and its called "COVID-19 Baby Showers"