Scared and overthinking

Okay so I’m currently 7 weeks 6d pregnant and today I had a little spotting this morning. Like literally barely anything but it was bright red. I wiped 3 different times and it showed up. I had a miscarriage in November so I’m overthinking it and getting worried, but this isn’t how it looked. Is it normal?? Any advice at this point would be helpful. TIA!!


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Edit/update: baby’s fine and still has a heartbeat:) everything’s all good, it was a small tear.

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Posted at
I’ve been bleeding and spotting for the last 4 weeks on and off and I had an ultrasound yesterday that showed a healthy baby. I’m 10 weeks today.


Posted at
Hard to know but spotting can be normal during first trimester and most of the time they don’t know why it happened! Hopefully it doesn’t increase any!! If any very very strong bad cramps too I would call your doctor or increased bleeding. Did you have any sex recently? Cervix gets more sensitive and has more blood flow during pregnancy so that can also be a source of bleeding that’s not related to baby? Just a thought Sending positive thoughts 💕💕


Posted at
Call her doctor right now