Finally pregnant after infertility!

This is a long post but here’s my story about pregnancy with male factor infertility. I hope I can give someone else in a similar situation hope for their miracle baby!

My husband and I started trying for our first baby in July 2018. We were both 25 at the time. I joined this app and spent hours reading about charting, tracking BBT and ovulation, etc. We found out about 7 months later that he had very low sperm count and motility (first analysis was 4 million, second was 8 million). His testosterone levels were normal so no medications would help his count. We saw a fertility specialist who basically said <a href="">IVF</a> with ICSI was our best option. It was going to cost about $20,000 so we decided to wait a while longer and keep trying naturally and then give <a href="">IUI</a> a chance. Again, I spent many hours searching for success stories and information on MFI, <a href="">IUI</a>, and <a href="">IVF</a>. I made my husband take all sorts of different vitamins and supplements, but still no luck.

During this time my younger sister got pregnant after coming off birth control for 2 months. She had my sweet niece in August 2019. That was difficult to go through while I was longing for a baby myself, but I was still so happy for her and my niece is an absolute dream🥰

We finally decided to try <a href="">IUI</a> in February 2020. I was ovulating 3 eggs (with Clomid and trigger shot) so we were hopeful it would work. The day of the <a href="">IUI</a>, the doctor said there was no motile sperm present after the wash. We were crushed. The doctor said we could come back a few hours later for my husband to give another sample and see if anything would change. For the second sample and wash, there was only 1-2 million motile sperm present. The doctor said it was highly unlikely to be successful and gave us the paperwork to begin <a href="">IVF</a>. We decided since we were already there (an hour and a half away from home), I had taken the medication and trigger shot, and we had already paid all the money up to that point ($700) that we would go ahead and give it a try. We just prayed and trusted that God had a plan, and we just kept reminding ourselves that this was the best chance we’ve ever had so far. Almost two weeks later I took a pregnancy test and it was positive! I didn’t know if I could believe it was real or if it was still from the trigger shot. Blood test confirmed it was real! I finally had my BFP after 18 months of negative tests!

We are now 13 weeks pregnant with one sweet baby! We cannot thank God enough for this absolute miracle He has blessed us with! We were told many times it wasn’t going to work for us, but God said “Watch this!” It’s crazy to think we almost left TWICE the day of our <a href="">IUI</a>! I’m so glad we didn’t listen to the doctor that day and we gave God a chance to show everyone what He can do! Infertility is a difficult and heartbreaking journey that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. But I learned a lot of valuable things during our struggle, grew closer to God and to my husband, and now we have our miracle baby on the way! Please pray for a healthy pregnancy and baby. I wish all of you the best and pray for your babies 💕💕💕