Still in love with my ex.


We dated 6 years ago. He's the only person I've ever truly been happy with. We split up because we were young and stupid.

I found a rebound and got pregnant. Now i have my amazing son and i wouldn't change anything that has happened... but I always find myself thinking of him.

The real kicker is I'm pregnant right now with my second child. I've been with my baby's father for over two years and have known him for over 15 years. I love him, I really do. But I just know deep down that I'm not truly happy with him. He's a very cold, distant person. I honestly don't think he's very happy about the pregnancy.

I don't want to leave him and go to my ex. So please don't think that. I know some things just shouldn't happen. But i know its not fair to be with anyone when i have feelings for someone else.... has anyone ever been in a similar situation?

Please don't judge too harshly. I haven't made any contact with my ex in over 3 years. I don't believe in cheating and it's something I've never done.