Dear You Know Who You All Are,

I hate you all. I can't believe what I had to endure by your hands. You sunk your claws and fangs into me the moment you met me. You tried so hard to make ME look like the bad guy. It only has worked with those who are tricked by your false life.

You ruined so many precious moments of my life! You took away my time to mourn. You announced my pregnancy for me in the middle of my miscarriage!! That forced me to tell work, friends, and family about what was going on. Of course you "looked right" when you said I was "fine" (I HATE THAT WORD NOW BECAUSE OF YOU!) because I was miscarrying a twin. You threatened me, belittled me, emotionally and mentally tore me down. You tried to turn my husband against me with your lies and manipulation. Put my new son's life in danger at the hospital when you took him away from the warmer and stripped him naked for a photo I asked you not to take.

And you! You laughing and bragging about how you were the first and only to meet my new son when my grandfather was in ICU and my other grandparents have long since passed on.

And you other someone!! How could you treat your only son like property??!? Telling him what he can and can't do. Refusing to listen to him when he wished to connect by discussing feelings and how you've affected him. You talk to me like you like me to my face then stab me in the back by talking poorly to others and through texts.

To you all-> I despise you. I also feel bad for you. I feel bad that your life is fake. You are abusive in the shadows and plaster on a fake smile in public. You try to appear "perfect". I mourn for me because I too was initially tricked by the fake you all display. I ended up paying the price for allowing you guys into my life. You guys had me so convinced that you would harm me or my family members if I talked about what was going on. So I allowed the abuse, metaphorically I put on makeup to hide my emotional and mental scars. I told no one. I didn't seek help. You pushed my husband to divorce me because it was what YOU wanted. You wanted to win and when you didn't you tried to push me out of your life and keep your son and only because you wanted to use him to get to my baby. You monsters!

I was saved my my son. When I held him for the 1st time I realized what was going on had to stop or he would be at their mercy too. So I stood up for myself and in doing so broke away from the abusers.

And so to "you know who you all are"

I will NEVER go back. Stop seeking my family out, stop professing false claims of love, stop showing up at my door unannounced, just STOP. We are done. We are happy without you. We are healing. No type of abuse is permitted in my home. We will not play your games.

Sincerely, Anonymous