I feel so alone.


At this point I don't even know what to do or say anymore, I've cried and I've asked nicely, I've asked not so nicely. My fiance and I have been together for 4 years. We got a surprise last April that we were having a baby. I was so excited after I got over being scared. My fiance never really got to the excited part until the last trimester. Then he was tired of waiting for her to get here lol. Well she finally makes her arrival and we are both working together to meet all her needs, and just make sure she's happy. I breastfeed so I get there's a point in time when he can't do anything but sit and watch while i feed her. But she is 4 months about to be 5 months on the 18 and he is just never around. He gets off works around 5, home at 5:30 and goes to his little man cave and is back there forever. When he does come out he just sits on the couch. Doesn't hold her, play with her. He can not comfort her at all if I need to take a shower, he takes her but she pretty much crys the whole time. He doesn't change diapers, we used to be 50 /50 on everything around the house, he does nothing now that I'm home, he used to always take the trash out when needed he doesn't even do that anymore. He doesn't get up with the baby at night, doesn't help with anything at night, literally rolls the other way when she starts crying. I've asked for help. I've cried and told him I feel like I am raising our daughter alone. He says he goes to work for us... 😫but that's only part of having a kid. When you cant even hold your daughter for the maybe 15 minutes its takes me to get a shower, without her crying the whole time it makes my heart so sad. My dad was never around I never met him until I was 18, his dad was never around. He's still never met his dad, and he promised to do better. To be here for her unlike our dads.. so I don't know what normal is... guess my question here is, is this normal. Are dads stand offish until they are older? I love my daughter with all my heart but if would also love to take a 30 minute shower and not hear her screams 💔 I'm at a loss for what to do..