Weird fleshy “discharge”???(⚠️TMI PICTURE⚠️)

First I want to say I had my nexplanon implant removed in January after using that for 6 years(had it switched out, didn’t have just one). Not sure if that could be the cause.. Anyways, I started my period today and I’ve had some cramping which is definitely worse than normal(more left side than right) and my flow is a little heavier than my normal(since getting implant removed). I used the restroom and when I wiped I noticed this fleshy like “discharge” not sure what else to call it. Attached the pictures i took, gross i know! One with flash one without. I am sexually active and while my boyfriend and I usually use condoms there has been a few times we haven’t. Could this be a miscarriage?? Sorry this is all scattered... My head is all over the place. Thank you to anyone who responds I really appreciate it.