Saw twins..2 different sacs...5 days later...not a trace of a second sac?? I know all about vanishing twin. But a few days later we should have saw something still

Meeya • 2016-Planned surprize -2015 TTCcrazy Got preg n aug.Then started m/c on 🎃.went into full labor mid dec delivered full sac the size of a cantelope.single most horrible thing ever.NOW JUS HAVN FUN W/IT
I was 5w 5d when I started having watery brown blood not much. But went to E.R. they saw 2 sacs one was 3 days older than the other. The tech almost missed it. She saw only when she held the wand in a weird heartbeat on the lil one yet. They said probably too early. Then 4 days later I got another us with ob. She didn't see a second sac or any evidence of one. Bleeding was light and was for that one so confused.did I lose it or is it hiding. The ob did say that the machine she was using was not as up to date as the Er. Has anything like this happened to anyone?