I dreamed about him before we met

So I’ve always had deju vu and dreams that kinda predict things.

When I was in 8th grade I had a dream about a man with dark hair, brown eyes, and was kinda and cuddly and was so large compared to me. When I asked his name he said it started with “A”.

Over the year I brushed it off, my dog was named Alex and had black fur with brown eyes, so I figured it was just a weird dream.

I’m 21 now, my boyfriend of 5 months, the most amazing man, has dark hair, brown eyes, is a foot taller than me, amazing cuddly man whose name is, get this, Alex.

My boyfriend and I think this is a sign that we are truly meant to be. I’m not very religious, but I am spiritual, so I pay attention to dreams a bit.

Has anyone else experienced something like this?