Twins arrived 22nd April


My beautiful boys were born at 36+4 by caesarean on 22nd April at 9:30 and 9:31. I’m so glad my partner was allowed to come in for the delivery and recovery but it was a little upsetting that e wasn’t allowed on the ward with me. I spent 4 days in hospital and was discharged on the 26th. The boys had to have 24hours photo therapy in separate incubators for jaundice. Felt a little overwhelmed the first few days of being home but starting to feel a bit more settled with a routine of 3 hourly feeds. My partner keeps saying we should start leaving them longer but they’re only 2 weeks old so I’ll be sticking to the 3 hours for now.

I’m a little concerned about twin 2’s umbilical core as it looks a little more weepy. His pic is the one with the white clip compared to twin 1 with the the blue whose cord seems a lot drier. Not sure if twin 2 is a little infected? There’s no smell but it is a bit oozy and leaves a mark of the nappy covers it. Any advice would be appreciated.