Reflux - drs not helping?


For those of you who’s babies have or had pretty bad reflux, how did you manage to resolve it? I’m at my wits end 😩

My daughters had pretty bad reflux since early on, some of you will have seen my posts about her being in the hip harness and at first I put it down to that because of her body being more restricted etc.

After the harness came off though it didn’t improve, it was causing havoc, constant spitting up, crying every time we would lay her in the cot, you could hear the gulping as the contents of her stomach would come up her throat, sometimes she would swallow it more often than not it would come up/out.

I’ve physically been into see the dr twice about it, first time I was given all the lifestyle change advice (short regular feeds, keep upright etc etc I was already doing that though after looking online for tips). Second time she was given baby gaviscon sachets. They haven’t really helped and as she’s getting older its getting worse, especially since we introduced solids as the spitting up/vomiting started to become more forceful/chunky - she doesn’t seem in pain, a bit irritable but that’s understandable. We avoid dairy/eggs due to intolerance and an allergy and I try to avoid anything too acidic for her (acidic fruits etc)

The last 2 weeks though, she’s been vomiting every time she poops. If she was constipated and struggling to pass them this would make sense but the poops look pretty regular to me with little effort to pass them, but she’s sick every time she does one regardless of how soon or long after a feed. These episodes do bother her and it’s so frustrating, for me constantly cleaning up sick, but even more so for her.

I think between the being sick and spitting up we’re getting through 6-8 burp cloths a day and 2-3 outfit changes.

Because of the pandemic I’ve only been able to contact my dr twice by phone recently - and both times they’ve said there’s nothing else they can give her and whilst yes it’s unpleasant for her she just needs to ride it out? The only way they could look further is if she becomes really unwell.

She’s not gaining much weight at the minute she’s plateaued but she’s just learning to crawl and moving a lot so I know she will be burning a lot of energy anyway but I’m so worried for her.

I had severe reflux in pregnancy that’s left damage to my oesophagus even after medication and it’s causing me a lot of problems with eating now due to the scarring so I think I’ve got my back up even more about the effects on my daughter as it feels like it’s getting worse - whereas everything I see/hear suggests the older they get the more it improves?