What kind of juice?


What kind of juice can I give my 10 month old? She don't like apple or pear.

Picture for the cuteness

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None. No one should have juice, especially not babies. Theres really no health benefit and it's a lot of sugar. If you're looking for something sweet I'd so a smoothie, mine loves them. I just do blueberries, bananas, and organic whole milk.


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None! Stick to water and BM/ formula. Absolutely no need for juice at any age, but esp not so early. My 3 year old still never has juice..,


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You could give whatever juice you want but “P” (prune, pineapple, pear) juices tend to get the bowels moving. But like others have said, its not recommended that you give babies juice. And its better to start them off with good habits like preferring water over juice.


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We also only give water unless when our fruit salad is too wet (like an orange with a lot of water in it) then we let him drink it, but never anything premade or with added sugar


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My daughter likes fruit punch White grape And prune juice especially when constipated We dilute it with water though!


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In the UK it is recommended to stick with water


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We don’t do juice, we only do some water with solid food, so I can’t really help much. But I do know that you should stay away from anything acidic like orange, pineapple or lemonade. And it’s best to water the juice down to lessen the sugar content.