Nap trouble


For 4 days now I've been having trouble getting my 6 month old down for naps. He's been okay in the morning, he will have an early nap around 7am then a second nap 11:00-11:30 or 12:00 and then after that he will be awake until bed time at 18:30!

I spend hours in the afternoon trying to get him to nap, he will fall asleep in my arms and then as soon as I put him down he will wake up crying. I'm not wanting to start the habit of letting him nap on me so he just hasn't napped at all. Obviously all afternoon and evening he is cranky as he is so tired and it's a nightmare.

Any suggestions? I'm using a dark room with white noise and he uses a dummy. Prior to 4 days ago he was a brilliant napper!

He's got 2 teeth through, could possibly teething again if more are on the way.

He sleeps through the night 18:30 to 05:00