Development during lockdown


So my baby has been in a leap for almost a month now. As the leap is ending, I was reading up on what he would have discovered by now or what he would be able to do. For other leaps, it has always been spot on.

For this one, I read one should take them outside often to let them explore the categories of things and beings. One issue, we have been in lockdown and I have been extremely busy working from home. So much so that I was too tired during the week to take him out and go see things (as his sleeping is affecting me thoroughly). At home, while we are working he nags a lot for my attention and almost seems bored. It seems to be getting better now but I still feel extremely guilty.

This may just be my paranoia but can my son get in a developmental disadvantage because of this lock down? He is not allowed to go to daycare either so he can not be as social as is recommended at this age. I am getting really worried these last two months will have an effect on his knowledge and skills. Help?