
Hello to every Pp Moms.

I am a 26 year old woman , gave birth to a baby girl 10weeks ago ,

Since day one i just had this wired feeling towards my baby , but thought to myself it will go away i’ll get used to her and to being a mom.

Fast forward 10 weeks now , i still don’t get myself to really Bond with her , i take care of her i do feel Love for her , i do breastfeed but it’s just i can’t bond with her still , i never had anxiety or fear of anything , now all i think is how to manage everything including the baby to be perfect , i’m not American but i do live in US and in our culture you live with in laws , i try to keep my baby in my room cause as soon as i go downstairs i am judged for the way i hold , i feed or even dress her , this is to much . Now i think that my baby is feeling my stress and she’s refusing to take the breast and does not take the bottle at all ☹️😭

I’ve thought of everything bad to do to myself , i know i am suffering from depression something that i can’t accept to nobody but it is killing me from inside out , tried to speak with some relatives including my husband but they all tell me it’s just something in my mind and they never heard or knew anybody who suffered from the same thing .

Please if you don’t have anything nice and helpful to say don’t say anything at all i’m enough mad at myself ..

Thank You ♥️