Should I leave ?

During my pregnancy my SO treated me pretty bad. Came home whenever, was drunk all the time, didn’t come home at all.

We been together for 8 years, our baby was planned but he acted like he wasn’t. Anyways, Our son is now 7 months and I’m starting to feel more like roommates than a couple. We don’t have sex, we don’t kiss or anything. When the baby is asleep I’ll go in the living room and try to initiate sex or some type of intimacy ( if we’re on good terms) but nothing ever happens. For the past few days we haven’t been on talking terms and just walk pass each other.

I’ve also been annoyed with him with his lack of help. He thinks just cause he’s works Monday-Friday that he doesn’t have to help during the night, and then I’m up with the baby at 7:30am of whenever he wakes up. I told him last night, I’m not going to keep being up all night and be up with him the early mornings. I need sleep too. He was with him this morning but waited until I woke up to get him which defeats the purpose. I was able to get an hour of sleep but this is getting frustrating.