Missed miscarriage @8 weeks 5 days

We are TTC#3 and it took 10 months to get a BFP.  On 11/30, we went in for our 8 week ultrasound and the doctor couldn't find a heartbeat. The baby measured right at 8 weeks and 5 days so she sent us to the main hospital for a more advanced ultrasound. Tech could not find a heartbeat or blood flow. We were devastated! We went back to the doctor this last Tuesday to make sure and there was no growth and still no heartbeat. We had a d&c on Wednesday and are now taking it one day at a time. We have 13 & 5 year old sons. When I was pregnant with our 5 year old, he was a twin. We lost that baby at 7 weeks with a spontaneous miscarriage. 
It's been a rough week and we really want to start TTC again. I actually started AF today, which was a shock.  If anyone has read this, have you had a successful pregnancy after a D&C?