Is this labour? 40+4

Lau • Mommy to a little boy & expecting May 2020

I’m now 4 days over due had a second sweep on Thursday which made me lose my mucus plug. Last night I started getting little period like twinges in my lower belly so I had a bath to relax. Didn’t lose anymore plug for the rest of the night part from this morning. Baby was active for 2 hours straight last night and my belly kept going really hard and tight a long with a lot of pressure down there (midwife said baby’s head is really low) If I go for a wee the tightening starts again and if I walk around the they don’t go so I know there not braxton hicks, everyone reckons I’m in slow labour and I should start timing them but I haven’t a clue as I was put on the drip with my first born to induce labour as he was back to back. I need some advice please