She’s here

So my April baby turned into a May baby at 41 weeks exactly. I went in the 6th for my induction and got cervadil at 9:30. Slept through the night mostly and started having contractions at about 5 am, consistent but not excruciating. Hubby and I ordered breakfast and after eating I took a nap. 9:30’in the morning on the 7th they checked my cervix and I went from a one to a three! They gave me an hour or so to shower and walk around before they started the I had it in my mind that I wanted to go natural my entire pregnancy, but I’m also a research buff and after doing my research I care to my own conclusion ( this is my personal conclusion based off my personal research, I am in no way a professional who can attest to my method of thinking or reasoning outside of personal preference) I had decided that I did not want to chance my labor stalling so I asked for the epidural to be given at the same time the pitocin was. So around 11 am I had my epidural and my pitocin and I was off...after a 4 hour nap where I didn’t feel a damn thing I was dialated to about an 7-8, the epidural started wearing off so about an hour later I had another one cause holy hell that shit hurt. 5:45 it was time to push and at 6:17pm my gorgeous girl was born.