My Mom doesn't get it (COVID-19)


So I did a video chat with my mom today for Mother's Day and ended up tearing up a bit because she starting giving me a hard time about not being able to hold baby boy once he's here. Of all people, I knew she was going to be the one to do this, but just sucks that she had to bring it up on mother's day and put a damper on the day for me. (Didn't ruin it just a snag!)

She was saying how so-and-so gets to see their grandkids and she can just buy a shower curtain and put that on to hold the baby. 🤷🏼 Then said "well I want to see him in a bigger window not at your front door to get a good photo." Like... I'm a photographer, you don't think I'm going to get her some good photos of him? She's making it about herself and it's ridiculous. I told her I can't be worried about hurt feelings and we will follow the recommendations of the experts. I also can't get sick/exposed where I have to quarantine from my newborn for two weeks when I want to breastfeed and bond with him. Smh. Oh and she admitted to being mad that we didn't choose her and my stepdad to watch our 21 month old while we're at the hospital. She is working part time still. Idk what she doesn't get. Anyone else dealing with this?

I'm 39+1 so he'll be here any day! Basically, I know she's speaking emotionally but I need her to speak and think intellectually or just simply accept that we are doing what's best for us. I will be talking to her about this again tomorrow.

I just needed to vent. I'm also looking forward to not having to deal with visitors at this point.