According to Ina May.. a famous midwife who’s books I looooved reading prior to my first

According to Ina May.. a famous midwife who’s books I looooved reading prior to my first birth. She recommends 300 squats a day for a quicker birth. So here is a quick little workout with lots of squats 😉 Perform 3 sets of 15 1️⃣ Squat with side leg lift 2️⃣ Sumo squat with toe touch reach 3️⃣ Wall sit with biceps curls 4️⃣ Deadlift with upright rows Feeling Winded AF after round 1. Baby boy #2 is really slowing mama down! Taking it all day by day! Some days I can run sprints after my wild child, and get a workout in. Some days chasing after a toddler is more than enough 🤣