Rude OB during ultrasound/doppler

Kaitlin • 31, Baby girl born on 9/4/2020 at 29w5 days.

13w1 day today and got to see baby for the first time since 6w4. I have never made it this far with a pregnancy so when I saw there wasn’t an ultrasound machine in the office I was a little disappointed and assumed it might not be happening. My current OB was unable to see me today so I saw someone else and when they asked how I was doing I said I was good but a little sad not to see baby today. Her tone then went defensive and she said she could wheel in an ultrasound machine in “since that is obviously all you care about.” She got me three photos at least and pointed out some features but shut the machine off relatively quickly. Moving on to the Doppler she said that it might take awhile due to my weight and looked uncomfortable touching my belly (I told her where I usually find the heart beat and following my instructions she found it right away) but that was also very quick. The rest of the appointment she hyper-focused on my weight despite having lost weight and she recommended I work out every day and avoid carbs so I don’t put baby in trouble. “It’s healthy now but we don’t want to risk anything.”

I’m still over the moon to have seen baby move around and hear the heartbeat but the bedside manner was off-putting. Hoping to not have to work with her again. Has anyone else had similar experiences?