Hubby’s grandmother wants play by play texts!?



My husband and I went to a Mother’s Day bbq at his brothers house yesterday and of course we talked a lot about the baby and labor and what not. Before we left, his grandmother mentioned how she wants to know when I go into labor, how far dilated I am, when I start to push, etc. I understand she used to deliver babies but I felt like this was a ridiculous request. I mentioned how we weren’t really planning to text anyone until after the baby is born, but she was still insistent. So I mentioned possibly taking his phone away if I have to! I’m sorry, but I’m about to push a human out my body for the first time, and he’s my support person. I don’t want him having to stop and text her throughout the process during labor. I feel like it’s a rather selfish request and that people tend to forget that it’s a luxury this technology we have, it does not make us obligated to keep everyone up to date, every second.

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Posted at
My mom made a comment about my husband FaceTiming her while I was delivering but tried to disguise it as a joke and I was like uhh...he’ll be a little busy. 🤯 I think she expected that she’d be in the delivery room while I was pushing had it not been for the covid stuff but I really only wanted that moment to be about me and my husband. Kinda threw me for a loop that shed even suggest that. lol


Catie • May 12, 2020
We actually sent out an email to my family and talked to the MIL and her parents about the social distancing too. Advised could be 2-3 months, we aren’t entirely sure but definitely listening to the doctor’s/hospital’s recommendation. Mentioned we can do meet and greets through a window or via video chat, and that we’ll send pictures when we can but quality time with the babe and sleep will take priority. Most people are understanding. Don’t think my mom is too happy about it, considering she thinks most of this covid stuff is a scam anyway. I just don’t even address her conspiracy theories, I’m protecting my baby and I’d rather be safe than sorry.


Kim • May 12, 2020
We also mentioned we would be talking to our pediatrician at her first appointment. Gave them a heads up that they likely cannot visit for 6-8 weeks and may still need to socially distance at that point. We have been having some push back with that or people asking/hinting about visits. We have two essential workers and one group of parents from out of state. We figured this would cover all our bases and give them time to process beforehand so it wasn’t a slap in the face.


Catie • May 12, 2020
I’m stealing that group text idea lol. My parents and my MIL I think are the only ones who need to be notified when we’re on our way to the hospital, and spelling out that we don’t want our phones blowing up while we’re there is necessary.


Posted at
She doesn’t need a play by play. My husband and I agreed to not tell anyone when I go into labor. I have an induction scheduled and very few people know about it-work because we obviously won’t be available and my mom and sister who know not to bug us.


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Um yeah, just don't do it. He will be plenty busy anyway lol.


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Ain’t no way my partner is going to want to be anywhere near his phone while I’m pushing. I need one hand to hold and the other to help hold up my leg


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Good on you for resisting