39 weeks and

bree • Engaged 💕 23, 1 girl 🥰 one on thr way w

Still nothing. I got intense back pain today but that got better with walking and laying on my side. I've done everything. Walked, had sex, ate spicy food, pineapple/pineapple juice. I have made too comfy of a home and now she refuses to get out. Eviction notice served but not observed. All I gotta say is I'm tired of being pregnant. I just want my little girl here.

That is all.

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Posted at
I am due 18th and still nothing only light cramps here and there. I had diarrhoea just now so I am hoping things will move a little bit as I need this little man out now!! I am also soo over it 😟


Tori • May 12, 2020
also due the 18th here and making zero progress 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 doing lots of exercises to get baby a little lower and engaged and hoping for the best. cramping on and off but nothing significant. unfortunately need to start talking about induction on Friday w/ my doctor


bree • May 12, 2020
Me too!


Posted at
Saaaaaame. 40.4 and nothingggg 😣


bree • May 12, 2020
Oh you soldier, I hope your baby comes soon


Posted at
Same. I’m 39 and only 1cm dilated. Got my membranes swept but nothing 12 hours later. Doctor says she doubts it’ll work because I’m not that dilated. So frustrated 😩😩😩


Posted at
I feel you!! I’m 39 weeks and all done. I’ve done everything (everything that worked to get my first out) and nothing is happening!! 😭I guess I need to be patient and wait.


Anna • May 12, 2020
Same!! I had placenta previa and was hospitalized at 17 weeks. They said they were sure I would be early. Here we are lol


bree • May 12, 2020
At the beginning of this pregnancy I was terrified of her coming early. Now I'm terrified of her coming late 😂