12 months and formula- advice please

Pediatrician said they want my baby off the bottle by the next appointment.

My baby was on 4 bottles a day and now on 3 a day for the past week and a half. First and last bottle of the day are 8oz- sometimes he will take all 8 and sometimes there will be a couple oz left over. The middle of the day after nap he gets a 4oz bottle that’s the one we are working on dropping. Right now he’s very mad after he finishes 4oz he’s looking for more and will throw a fit. He does get 3 full meals a day with 2 decent snacks during the day. He gets water all throughout the day and cows milk is offered at meal times. He doesn’t like cows milk and will take a sip and have no more. Pediatrician advised to not do cows milk in a bottle, just keep it with meals and work on weaning.

I feel like it’s going to take awhile to wean from the bottle. So my question is what do I do? Do I keep buying formula until he’s weaned? Do I cut back the oz gradually?

I’m pretty sure the bottle is a comfort item to him.

I have offered formula in his sippy cup and he refuses to have any.

FTM and lost on this.