Transition from crib to toddler bed


Hey all,

We are on day 4 of our transition from crib to toddler bed. My boy will be 3 in August. He is a champ and goes right to bed at night and sleeps all night without issues getting up or playing. He also doesn't fuss at all about it. However, we haven't been successful during nap AT ALL. He doesn't cry or fuss about naptime, he just refuses to sleep. He plays with his blanket and pillow in bed, or sometimes just lays there and sings/talks to himself. I also have to keep tabs on him to keep him from getting up to play. Needless to say, for 4 days we have gone without a nap...and I mean he goes down at 1230 and plays in there until 3 before we finally give up for the day. He is super crabby before bedtime because of this. I know he still needs the nap. Any advice on how to get this kid to sleep in his bed now that he isn't confined by the crib?
