I need advice...single mom of 3


Hey ladies. I'm currently 13 + 3 weeks pregnant with baby #3. I just left my baby daddy for the second time. We have been together for 4 years and he's cheated on me every year with a different girl. The 5th time he cheated I put him out and he moved in with the girl. This time he came back because I needed a little help to get a motel room for us to stay in. I told him if he cheated again then I'm taking our kids and leaving. He meets a girl at McDonald's and they start talking. Apparently they've been talking for 2 months now. He's had her in our motel room and probably around my kids since he was watching them while I was at work. Once i found out i packed me and the kids things and left him there. The girl started texting my phone talking crazy and everything. He told the girl that he never wanted me and that I was fat and lazy. He told her the baby I'm pregnant with isn't his baby that I was a hoe and sleeping with other men. He talks soo bad about me and idk why! 😭😭 like I havent done anything to him for him to treat me this way.

Point of the story, I dont know if I should block him from everything and leave him alone? Or should I atleast try to co-parent with him? When he left the first time he never came to see the kids and barely got them anything. He tells people I cant take care of my kids and that he feels sorry for them...I'm just lost and confused 😔😔