Faint lines but negative blood work. Chemical?

Stephanie • Wife💍 Mom 👧🏼👶🏼 👼🏻🤰🏼Gastric Bypass July 2020 Insta: @stephsbypassedlife

Has anyone else had experience with a chemical pregnancy? I’m having all the symptoms I’ve had with my past pregnancies. Took 3 first response tests, all bought at different times and places. Is it possible to get indent lines on all of them? And even though my blood work came back negative (said <1.2hcg) I was still cramping(have been since Sunday but still no spotting or bleeding) I took a first response last night and the line showed up before the 3 min mark and even appears to be darker than the morning test I took and previous days.

This pic was Monday morning. First morning urine. Camera basically can’t pick up on the line. But if I adjust the pics on the app it’s more visible.

Monday morning same time frame, just have the brightness adjusted.

This was Tuesday night about 9pm. After I got negative blood test results that afternoon. <1.2hcg. But this line seems darker than other days.

Here’s a comparison photo from Monday morning(top) and Tuesday night(bottom)

Anyone experience the same thing and it was chemical??