My mother!!! 😑

So my husband will be off of work for two weeks and we were suppose to drive to Florida to see my mom and to stay with her. We have a 7mo old baby and she hasn’t seen him since he was born. I figured it would be ok since we all have been following social distancing and both staying in our homes. My mom has been working from home, everything was closed so I figured why not go down and just hang out at the house. (No eating out, just strictly being at her house). I called her and she tells me that since they just opened everything up she already got her hair done, her nails done, she’s been out eating at restaurants, she shops all the time without a mask, and already having a friend over and staying the night. WHAT. Is it wrong of me to tell her “sorry we are not coming anymore. I feel like you just exposed yourself so much and I can’t risk my sons life.” Bc it’s true. She got all that done this week, who knows if she has the virus or not. Who knows if she’s been in contact.

She got pretty shitty with me about it saying I make no sense. I tell her it’s a huge risk bc she exposed herself so much and she refuses to wear a mask. I told her how scared I was for my sons health and her response basically was “you’ll never see me wearing a mask. I’m not going to be afraid to go out. I’m going to live my life.”

Am I wrong here?! Am I being overly protective?! I’m just so shocked how she’s acting. She is literally not taking this virus seriously. She still thinks the media is making this out to be worst than it is.