Do some babies just not nap?


I’ve been blessed with a great nighttime sleeper. My daughter has been sleeping through the night since about 2 months (with the exception of a brutal 4-month sleep regression) and generally logs 11-12 hours a night. During the day, I try to put her down for a nap every 2-3 hours, but the longest nap she will ever take is 30 minutes - and that’s on a good day! She’ll be 7 months on Saturday and lately she’s been skipping one or two of her naps, so she literally sleeps 30 minutes total between 7am and 7pm. She’s doesn’t seem particularly tired or fussy, but now that I’m working from home due to COVID and taking care of her full time, I’m desperate for her to sleep so I can get some work done. I’m not opposed to CIO. It worked for nighttime sleep, but during the day she will literally cry for an hour and never fall asleep. I follow Taking Cara Babies on Instagram and have tried everything she suggested that could contribute to short naps. I’m at a loss. Does anyone else have a baby that doesn’t nap? Do I just except that this is how it is or am I doing something wrong?