Trying to be positive

I found out on 27th April I was pregnant. We was so excited as I've had 2 previous losses and an ectopic. We wasnt actively "trying" but the news was amazing nonetheless. 3 days later I went for a scan because of my previous ectopic, they said I had a sac measuring 7 weeks and that it probably isn't viable (I thought I would have been 4 weeks, however it should have been 9weeks). I started bleeding a few days later but went for my confirmation scan this week they said I had lost naturally, I sat waiting to see the doctor blaming my self, thinking if I had tested the month before, I would have known and maybe things would be different. ( i used to test every month in my tww) I hadnt used a pregnancy test in almost a year. I then went in and told her that I'd had a period a month before so I dont know how I could have been further along and she told me that "period" would have been early pregnancy bleeding. And the reason I haven't had heavy bleeding is because sadly I started miscarrying pretty much as soon as I became pregnant. It gave me a sense of relief knowing there was nothing I could have done. However it doesn't stop me feeling as I do. We would like to start trying again straight away so i obviously will be avoiding most things just incase. What i worry is when i had been trying before i got so caught up in it i think i spent more money on pregnancy tests than food 😂 how do you do this without ending up in a spiral of ovulation testing, symptom checking, and test taking? Thank you for reading.