I need some advice on custody


Okay so im just the step mom here but i need advice on what you ladys think

Okay so since this whole covid-19 stuff we have kept the every other weekend visits cut off until further notice. It was as mainly my husband's exs idea but not knowing how things would play out we kept our distance. She said once things starting lighting up we would make up the lost time and since summer break we would get back into our normal schedule plus some because he is out of school. But i think that was to sweet talk us into agreeing to her terms

Within the time of the lock down she has missed my daughters birthday. I get he couldn't come over but a phone call would have been nice. She has him miss out on everything over here including his siblings and holidays. I always try to work with her and ive noticed whenever she wants him to stay there she uses the "sick" card. She knows how i feel about getting everyone sick from house to house so i will usually call off the weekends. My husband doesn't mind which i dont agree with. But ive noticed that now everytime we try to "get back to normal" everyone is always sick. Her daughter now has her liver on "over drive" her words and "running a high fever for 2 weeks". And keep in mind my county is opening theaters, salons, tattoo shops.. so i think it should be time for my stepson to spend time with his dad siblings and me. We have already missed out on 6 weekends. The only people who really leave our home is my husband due to working. She lives with her mom, dad, brother, his SO, and her husband who ALL work.. along with her 5 kids. Wouldnt it be smart for him to stay with us to cut down on the chances of him getting the covid-19? Just bring up that fact due to her saying she needs to "protect her son from our germs and this virus" idk maybe we are wrong but we miss him so much. She said only my husband can go to her house stand out on the lawn 6 ft apart, no touching when he wants.. but thats absolutely NOT the same as being able to spend time with him. What do you ladys think?