This was my second pregnancy, second boy, second hyperemesis gravidarum pregnancy, in and out of hos...

This was my second pregnancy, second boy, second hyperemesis gravidarum pregnancy, in and out of hospital every couple of days throughout the whole pregnancy for fluids and anti sickness and clot injections,, placenta scans, my right artery being too high so baby was pressing on important things and make the pain even worse and growth scans, 3x the size than my first pregnant.

Here's my birth story ...

So I was due to be induced yesterday but instead at 3.14am on 12/05/20 someone decides to make an earlier appearence 🤣 ld like to introduce everyone to Dylan-James Junior, born at

39 weeks

On 12/05/20


6lbs 6.5oz

Slow labour for a week, contractions all over the place.

My back waters broke on 12th at 7-8pm, contractions got closer,

My front waters went at 2.30am same day, in the bath, contractions every 2 minutes, maybe less.

Phoned the hospital and taxi. Ended up starting to push in the taxi, 2 midwife's rushed to the door and rushed me straight to the birth suite as quick as they could because I was pushing already, everything was happening so quick I only got gas and air and kept having panic attacks while pushing but finally got him out, he had the cord wrapped round his neck so he was a little blue and had a mark on his eye and blue nose, he's got a bit of tongue tie but he'll be referred to have it fixed hopefully in the next few weeks and he had a cheeky little poo inside me before he was born perfect