Baby stuff has taken over the house


Anyone else feel this way? We have a ranch style home, 3 bedrooms & 1 bath. I feel like every room I’m constantly trying to pick up and rearrange baby stuff so there’s enough room to just walk!

The living room has the most...

1. Her swing which I want to put in the garage bc I’m pretty sure we’re done with it. But don’t even think there’s room in the garage to store it..

2. Her activity gym

3. Jumperoo

4. Pack n play

5. A toy chest

6. A big soft play mat to cover the floor

8. Some other seat that kinda reclines and rocks

Then the kitchen has her highchair. Bumbo seat, and then her walker which she can use her walker in the kitchen and hallway.

Her bedroom, of course all the necessities are in there

Then our bedroom has her bassinet which she has almost outgrown and I have a snuggle nest that’s folded up but beside the bed still.

Even if I get rid of her swing it’s still not the big that it’s going to make a difference. Is everyone feeling like baby has taken over the house? Lol.

And where do I even store all the stuff she grows out of? Ahhh running out of room! Haha