Wtf is going on!!! Help


Miscarried 3/26 at 18 weeks. Bled for almost 3 weeks. No period at all in April. May 7. Bled for 4 days!! Buttttt I put a patch on!! Period ended on the 4th day took the patch off on the 5th day because I wanted to try and have a baby. (4 days later, TODAY) AF came back. HEAVY. It wasn’t heavy the 1st time; idk if the patch had something to do with it. BUT WHY DID AF COME BACK after 4 days later of ending? I’m suppose to ovulate next week!!! Am I not now? Did me taking the patch off and hormones leaving made my AF come back bc it wasn’t suppose to be done in four days bc they say first period should be longer and heavy? I’m confused!!!!!