Twins and nesting instinct

Kat • Single Mama

Idk if I’m depressed or what but I’m 26 weeks and have no urge to nest at all. With my first my son, I remember being very determined, and wanting everything to be ready in case he came early and this game me a sort of energy and motivation but with these girls- I’ve got nothing. I moved into a new place with my son about three weeks ago and I haven’t even finished unpacking. People keep offering me baby stuff and I am like nooooooo because I feel so overwhelmed already by all my stuff and feel like I’m drowning in it- my place isn’t that much smaller than my last it’s just different so far and idk- I miss my old house. I just feel exhausted all the time and besides working full time and making sure my son is clothed and fed- I got nothing extra in me. So I’m asking when did your nesting energy hit with twins, did it help you overcome the exhaustion?