Finally here!!

Larissa • SAHM #GirlMoM 🎀09/01/17•🎀05/18/20 👼10/2021•🎀 09/18/2022🌈

Our sweet Eris Ann has finally made her debut 🥰🥰 after getting a horrible migraine at 10pm and not getting a peep of sleep we headed to the hospital for our 5:30am induction leaving the house at 5:08am got here already 4cm and 100% effaced immediately got set up with pictocin and antibiotics for gbs got epidural once my contractions really kicked in and by 11:28 she was here in just a few pushes everyone was surprised how quickly she got here lol the dr keep saying wow that was beautiful and no tears down below although it felt like i was about to rip 😬😬 she made it out just fine and we are thrilled