So Anxious


So this is my Glow calendar!! My hubby and I moved to a new state and our son was with the grandparents for 2 weeks...we BD so much. It was like we were back on another honeymoon.

I'm so anxious to know if I'm preg or not. According to Glow I am (in about 30 mins) 7 dpo. My hubby is super excited and really hope that I am!!

(It would be our 1st child together, he claims my son as his own)

I am wanting to just POAS so bad just to find out, but I need to stop thinking about it lol.

My boobs have been hurting like crazy, peeing like crazy, hungry more, sleepy more and at times can't get to sleep at all from tossing and turning. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾