Being #pregnant during a #pandemic can be overwhelming. Yesterday I posted a celebratory

Katie • 🧬Unexplained Infertility 💉IVF Jan‘19 👶🏻Baby on Board Oct’19 ❤️Blogging 🌸Gardening 🌎World Travel ✉️ 📍Based in Gilbert,AZ
Being #pregnant during a #pandemic can be overwhelming. Yesterday I posted a celebratory 3rd trimester photo along with the highlights of this journey so far. But this is the other side of being pregnant during a pandemic and was taken two hours before yesterday’s picture. I’d just found out America officially has the most #covid_19 cases than any other country. A friend was texting me about NY not even allowing partners to step foot in the hospital with their laboring wife, and all over the Facebook #ivfsupportgroups women are worrying about this pandemic taking away their chances to have a family because fertility clinics are restricted and not doing egg retrievals. In Arizona it is viewed as elective surgery, but it’s not really an elective option for women with diminished ovarian reserve who are literally running out of eggs and time. My SIL in Jersey had texted the family that she knows two people back east who have lost loved ones to #covıd19 and our end of April hospital classes had just been canceled. It may have been the pregnancy hormones, or that all these things would be upsetting to any compassionate person. But it also made me so angry! The US had warning through observing China and Italy, yet we failed to act quickly and ensure there would be enough PPE or virus testing kits for our first responders and medical staff. We are putting our healers at risk daily when we should be protecting them the most, and that makes me so frustrated. My heart breaks for the #<a href="">IVF</a> couples who need fertility treatments to have a family, yet those have been put on hold. Selfishly I fear for my little girl and bringing her into the world at such a crazy time. I fear what childbirth will look like, if Mark will be able to be there to support me, and I feel for our immediate family who most likely will have to social distance from their first granddaughter. I know it was just an emotionally overwhelming day, and I’m doing better. I know from <a href="">IVF</a> that we’ll get through this, but it’s also healthy to address your feelings and work through them. If you have moments of struggle, know you aren’t alone. Sometimes the answer is to feel the feels to find your strength!