PCOS diagnosis


PCOS runs through my family so I kinda suspected it but I didn’t want the answer I got... I just got the diagnosis after MILD pain and discomfort to find I have 8 cysts on my ovaries, 5 on my right and 3 on my left. Me and my fiancé are now avidly trying to conceive. My doctor had told me that once I become pregnant my ovaries “go to sleep” and my cysts will disappear/dissolve and just simply go away, same when breastfeeding. I haven’t found any information saying these same “facts”. I’m in my early 20’s and I feel like I just got handed a timeline for my conception since everyone in my family, lady-wise, has had a hysterectomy before the age of 30, I know it’s still a ways off but just the fact that they are there and there’s so many I’m genuinely terrified. Long story short, do PCOS cysts go away after becoming pregnant?