Cloth diaper mamas! *HELP*


I need tips and tricks for cloth diapers. I’m very new to it & we started them the other day. My daughter has been sleeping through the night. Well, this morning at 4am she woke me up SOAKED. Through her cloth diaper, through her clothes onto her bed. How do you prevent this? How do you wash your diapers out? I NEED ALL THE ADVICE I CAN GET! How do you store your cloth diapers? We’ve been using pocket diapers. Do you like pocket diapers or covers more? Which are better? What do you use as inserts if you use pockets? We’ve been using both flat diapers and prefolded diapers. I’m just not sure how to put them in the pockets correctly. Why is she leaking at night? What’s the best way to set them up for night time? How do you know you’ve got the right fit? (We use buttons). Please help a mama out 😂😅. She was developing hives from her diapers, so we decided to do cloth!