Kids Vs. Food: Which parent are you?

Luda • It’s not enough to not be racist, be anti-racist • PhD student in Behavioral Health Leadership • Boy mom x2

Scenario: your child will ONLY eat certain types of food. For arguments sake, let’s say it’s not sweet. However, they are foods with hardly any nutrients OR just repetitive foods. For example, they will ONLY eat dinosaur chicken nuggets for all meals. Or eggs. Or bread with peanut butter on it. If you have kids, you’ve probably been through this stage. My family is currently discussing “which parent” they are in this described phase of lovely parenthood.

Parent #1: “Well, if that’s all they will eat then let them eat it. I’d rather my child eat what they will than starve and refuse to eat at all. Whatever, dinosaur nuggets for every meal I guess. Although, I’ll still encourage them to try other foods.”

Parent #2: “I’m not going to let them only eat one thing. I’m going to give them well rounded meals/other foods and they will eat it when they get hungry enough! They won’t let themselves starve.”

In other words, do you adhere to your child’s odd diet phase knowing it will end up passing? Or do you attempt to force them out of it?

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