STORY TIMEEEEEE PLEASE give me your take on this! 🤔🤔

Me and my boyfriend have been dating for 6 years and my boyfriend has a cousin (let’s call him Carl) and Carl has a girlfriend named “Becky”. So, long story short me and my boyfriend started hanging out with them and I didn’t like his cousin before because he is this misogynistic, narcissistic guy who had sex with so many women just to see how high he can get. But anyways, I met Becky and I thought she was super cool and so so sweet and I was always there for her and Carl cheating on her and treated her like shit.

But get this, 🤔from the get go, I had this barrier for some reason telling me to not tell her my secrets or trust her completely, which I took it as just me being shy, cuz usually I’m super outgoing. But something was off.

Fast forward a year later of being friends and hanging out, I threw a party for my boyfriend and ofcourse invited my boyfriends cousin Carl and his girlfriend Becky. I invited my mom and step dad who are your typical old school respectable Hispanics who go even tho they had plans.

My mom told me a few weeks after “hey, who was that girl sitting in front of you at your boyfriends party”

I said “ oh that’s my friend Becky that’s my boyfriends cousin’s girlfriend!”

She said “You need to watch out for her, she looks at you with envy. Your step dad noticed and when I watched her every time you turned around she looked you up and down with envy”

This I thought was weird And didn’t believe my mom because Becky was so sweet and always talk to me and never gave me a weird impression. So I kinda ignored it.

A few days later my mother-in-law told me “hey, so Carl’s girlfriend.... she tries to kind of copy you no? I notice she tries to do everything you do and dress like you” I was like uhhhh naaaa she just likes what me and my boyfriend do so now she does it with her man...

So, NOWWWW😭😭 this past weekend we went fishing with Carl and Becky... and me and Becky always wear bikinis because we like to tan while the boys fish on the boat and she’s a pretty girl she’s thin and athletic and I am thicker and have cellulite and little belly rolls but i’m the type to never hate or be envious of somebody else and I will tell somebody if they’re pretty and appreciate their beauty....

BUT OMFG.. one thing .. as a woman, I was raised to never bend over straight with my ass hanging out towards another man who isn’t my boyfriend or anybody else... she did this SOOOO many times🧐🧐🧐🧐

Firs time ok, second ok, third uhhh but like 10 times ?!?

Ass out bending straight infront of my man and away from hers.

My man ofcourse kept looking away but I can tell he was feeling awk cuz she kept doing it. She would run tanning lotion bent over towards him or grab something without bending her knees like a toe touch.

OUT OF RESPECT I WOULD BEND THE OTHER WAY OR BEND MY KNEES DOWN. And I noticed it being weird but I didn’t say nothing, I let it play out just to watch. And idk if I’m being paranoid Bc she’s a sweet and cool girl like super sweet and never bitchy at all...

I told my boyfriend about it (ofcourse not blaming him or getting mad at him) he claims he didn’t notice 🙄 but I’m just like be careful, I’m watching her now.. but I don’t wanna have him stop hanging out double dating with his cousin because of it.....What do you guys think? (PIC FOR REFERENCE LMAO) like deadass like this the whole day facing me and my man